Paper Title Number 1
Published in Journal 1, 2009 (Full Paper | Your Name, You. (2009). "Paper Title Number 1." Journal 1. 1(1).)
This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.
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Published in Journal 1, 2009 (Full Paper | Your Name, You. (2009). "Paper Title Number 1." Journal 1. 1(1).)
This paper is about the number 1. The number 2 is left for future work.
Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
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Short description of portfolio item number 1
Streamline, a paper published in ASPLOS 2021, introduced an asynchronous framework to construct high-bandwidth covert-channels. However, it required that the sender and the receiver had to share the virtual memory, which made it less general. In order to figure this out, we proposed a brand new high-bandwidth covert-channel, which leveraged the directory conflicts of non-inclusive machine and the universal feature of Prime+Probe Attack.
Published in USENIX Security 2024, 2024 (Full Paper | bibtex)
Pwnie Award -- Best Cryptographic Attack
GoFetch is a microarchitectural side-channel attack that can extract secret keys from constant-time cryptographic implementations via data memory-dependent prefetchers (DMPs). We show that DMPs are present in many Apple CPUs and pose a real threat to multiple cryptographic implementations, allowing us to extract keys from OpenSSL Diffie-Hellman, Go RSA, as well as CRYSTALS Kyber and Dilithium.